In recent days, temperatures have plummeted across the country and Met Éireann has forecast a ‘multi-hazard’ weather event over the weekend and into next week. Frost, ice, and freezing temperatures are expected, posing serious risks for people sleeping out on the streets.
At Dublin Simon Community, we believe no one should face sleeping rough, especially in such hazardous conditions.
Our Street Outreach Team, which operates 365 days a year, will prioritise those most vulnerable during this period of extremely cold weather. We are asking the public to help us assist people who may be sleeping rough, particularly in more isolated areas of Dublin city centre and the suburbs.
Your generosity can bring people in off the streets and into the warmth and safety of supported accommodation.
Here’s how you can help:
- Report rough sleeping: Use the Rough Sleeper Alerts app, available on iPhones and Androids, to let us know about someone in need.
- Make an urgent donation: Your support today can help save lives this winter.
Together, let’s ensure everyone feels the warmth of kindness and care at a time when they need it the most. Donate now and help us make a difference.