Dublin Simon Community Statement on March Homeless Report 

Dublin Simon Community Statement on March Homeless Report 

Dublin, 26th April 

Homeless figures released today reveal that the number of people in emergency accommodation in Dublin continues to rise, reaching a record high of 10,180, with 80 more people seeking shelter in Dublin in March than in February.  

73% of all homeless people nationally are in Dublin, equating to 1,453 families, 4,487 single adults, and 3181 children. 

These figures do not include those rough sleeping, domestic violence refugees, and those on our streets seeking asylum.   

Against the emergency figures published today, 111 offers of emergency accommodation are made nightly in the capital, with only four households a day in the region exiting homelessness to a home.  

Catherine Kenny, CEO of Dublin Simon, expressed her dismay at the alarming statistics, stating, “Behind these numbers lie stories of heartbreak and struggle, and the daily and nightly routine of homelessness is starkly evident. The escalating trend of adults and children seeking emergency accommodation each day and night is untenable. Prolonged stays in emergency shelters strip away hope, leaving deep scars on mental and physical health. The impact on children is immeasurable, robbing them of their security and stability in some of their most important developmental years.” 

‘’This is not merely a failure of the system; it is a failure of compassion. Each person experiencing homelessness in Dublin represents a painful testament to the failures of our society to provide for its most vulnerable members. They deserve more than temporary solutions and empty promises. They deserve homes.’’ 

“At Dublin Simon Community, we believe that building housing units is crucial, but holistic support for individuals is equally important. As concerned members of the community, it is our duty to demand action from our leaders and policymakers. We believe that real commitment is needed from our new Taoiseach and his government to ensure that their promises will become reality over the next 12 months, and that homelessness is flattened or reduced. We implore Cabinet to prioritise tackling the homelessness crisis and commit to implementing comprehensive strategies and effective policies to ensure that every individual and family has access to safe and stable housing.’’