Dublin Simon Community has robust Governance for Quality & Safety structures in place. There is a Clinical Lead and a Clinical Director in place. The Clinical Lead is a nurse with many years of experience across a broad range of healthcare services.
A Steering Group with representation from internal and external stakeholders meets every two months.
A Steering Group with representation from internal and external stakeholders meets every two months. It is responsible for ensuring corporate responsibility for the quality and safety of clinical care provided and does this by;
- Oversight of clinical quality and safety governance in treatment services.
- Ensuring that quality standards are being set, and continuously improved in appropriate areas of clinical activity.
- Ensuring that effective arrangements for supporting, monitoring and reporting on safety and quality governance are in place and are working effectively.
All Governance for Quality and Safety activities are based on the four pillars identified in guidance from the HSE Quality & Patient Safety Directorate/Quality & Safety Division:
Pillar One- Client Satisfaction/Experience
- Feedback from client satisfaction surveys
- Feedback from Complaints, Comments and Suggestion Logs
- Client Forum for treatment services
Pillar Two-Clinical Effectiveness & Clinical Practice
- Working towards Compliance with National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare and National Quality Standards Framework
- Development and updating of Clinical Policies/Procedure and Guideline documents Clinical Audits conducted at service level and HSE Department of Nursing & Midwifery Nursing Metrics
- Achieving key performance indicators
- Compliance with policies and legislation in line with HSE Service Level Agreements
Pillar Three- Clinical Risk Management
- Maintenance and updating of a rolling Clinical Risk Register
- Monitoring Clinical Incidents and addressing corrective actions
- Implementation of Infection Prevention & Control Standards
Pillar Four- Professional Development, Management & Training
- Ensuring staff competency and compliance with requirements of 2011
- Nurses Act for nursing staff to engage in continuous professional development activities
Contact Details
Clinical Lead, Quality & Safety Governance
Postal address:
When writing please address to relevant service and post to:
Dublin Simon Community,
Watling St,
Ushers Island,
Dublin 8