Entries by Louise Murphy

Dublin Simon Community’s Weather Warning Response

Dublin Simon Community is putting in place a number of additional emergency measures this week to protect people experiencing homelessness in anticipation of any impact of Storm Lorenzo and subsequent weather warnings. Dublin Outreach Dublin Outreach, our street outreach service provided by Dublin Simon Community in partnership with the Dublin Region Homeless Executive, will deliver […]

Launch of Dublin Simon Community Annual Review – Minister Murphy announces green light for new 100 bed facility

Annual Review highlights that Dublin Simon Community supported over 1,560 households (3,404 people) from being in emergency accommodation in 2018. At today’s launch of the Annual Review Minister Eoghan Murphy announced the development of a 100-bed Medical Treatment & Recovery Facility at Ushers Island for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The […]

Simon Services Shortlisted in AONTAS STAR Awards

Dublin Simon Community are delighted to have two of our services nominated in the AONTAS STAR Awards (Showcasing Teamwork, Awarding Recognition). Our Participation and Development Service has been shortlisted in the Social Inclusion category with our Health and Wellbeing service also shortlisted under the Health and Wellbeing category. These awards are co-ordinated as part of […]

Help people begin their journey home

Each night, people are enduring the harsh streets or are waking up somewhere they don’t feel secure Many have no other option but to sleep on the cold ground, in clothes drenched from the rain, gathering whatever they can find to create some kind of shelter and protection from what the night might bring. Barely […]

Dublin Simon Community announces new initiative for homeless suicide prevention

Dublin Simon Community’s interim report finds that targeted interventions are successful in reducing suicidality John Meehan, the Head of National Office for Suicide Prevention, today (13 June 2018) launched Dublin Simon Community’s interim report into interventions for suicidality by announcing funding for a ‘Homeless Specific Out of Hours Counselling Service’. The report, “Opening the Door […]

Happy Christmas from Dublin Simon Community

Thank You to All Our Supporters On behalf of Dublin Simon Community, and more importantly the clients and residents that depend on us, I would like to thank you for your commitment and support to Simon over this past year. The compassion and kindness you continue to show throughout our community is admired. Each day […]